A sense of personal responsibility

An appropriate image?

Q: What was your biggest fear working inside a nuclear power station?

A: From a visible perspective there is a vivid awareness from the size and physical/imposing form of the facility and visible security measures and security /police presence that is a nuclear power station. This does not necessarily present a fear but a sense of personal responsibilty.

Q: Did you or a colleague ever come close to a contamination encounter?

A: No. The Operator has a regular programme of emergency exercises to to test its procedures, facilities, systems and equipment, and enable everyone to practise their role in an emergency. Emergency exercises are also the main way that the Operator demonstrates the effectiveness of emergency procedures to the regulator. Note that the Operator has a legal requirement to report any incidents or accidents.

Q: What would be the biggest hidden part you could tell me?

A: The biggest fear that anyone would have living locally or close to a Nuclear Power station would be the impact of a radioactive leak. This comes from a knowledge of the outcomes of Hiroshima, Chernobyl and Fukushima. The Operators have moral, legal and commercial obligations to fulfil in highly regulated conditions with regards security and safety. As such they put in place stringent training and procedural safety measures to achieve compliance. Note that whilst radioactivity is hidden or invisible it can be detected by meters and in low doses is not necessarily harmful.
